What do we give our members?

Prose Writers, Poets, Translators, Journalists, Universities
ECG (London) implements all its printing projects in cooperation with the Hertfordshire Press. Hertfordshire Press is the only British publishing house that has been specializing in publishing and promoting books by authors from the Central Asia and Eastern Europe region for 15 years. We are ready to offer various options for publishing fiction, scientific and methodological literature. It is possible to publish books both in the author’s national language and works translated into English or other languages.
What can you get?
Publishing your book
Hertfordshire Press, together with the Eurasian Creative Guild (London), provides authors with the opportunity to publish their personal book in the UK as part of a Book Series.
During this time, we have published more than 150 books in 12 languages by 200 authors from 20 different countries! And more than 24 books published on account of the grant of the winner of the international Open Eurasia competition.
Paperback edition of the book
Publishing Fee* 3,495 British pounds (2,620 pounds with a discount for Guild members).
Hardcover edition of the book
Publishing Fee* 4,680 British pounds (3,510 pounds with a discount for Guild members).
To find out the cost of publishing your book, please fill out the form below (this does not oblige you to do anything) or write to herts@ocamagazine.com and our manager will contact you.
- Editing (checking the SEMANTIC literacy of the author’s text) – from 8 to 15 pounds per 1000 words, depending on the complexity of the text.
- Proofreading (spelling and punctuation check) – from 2 to 10 pounds per 1000 words, depending on the complexity of the text.
- Translation of PROSE into English from 30 to 150 pounds per 1000 words, depending on the complexity of the text.
- Translation of POETRY into English from 1 to 3 pounds per line, depending on the complexity of the text.
- Translation into other languages is also possible, the cost of translation is calculated separately depending on the complexity of the text and the original languages and the desired translation.
Please note that when using the “Print on demand” technology, it is not possible to make some pages black and white and some color. Even if individual pages do not contain photos and illustrations that require color printing, but they are on other pages of the book, it will be necessary to make a decision – the entire book will be printed either in black and white or in color. This affects only the cost, but not the print quality of black and white text. If you want to order a print run of 1000 copies or more, then this option will be available for offset printing.
- The cost for each additional page, if the book has more than 100 pages, is 5 pounds for black and white printing and 8 pounds for color printing (if the book has color illustrations, then printing additional pages will automatically be considered at the color rate, even if only black and white text is placed on them).
- Printing 100 pages of a color indoor unit is 450 pounds with an increase in RRP (retail value of the book) by 25-75% (payment for the transfer of 100 pages of the basic black-and-white indoor unit to color printing is simply added to the Publishing Fee).
- Professional layout costs 1-3 pounds per page, depending on the complexity of the text and illustrative material. Even if the author already has a ready-made layout, unfortunately, we cannot print it directly (it is most likely different from the British print formats), so in any case the book will need to be made up from scratch. If our designer refuses to make the layout, we send a template according to which the book will need to be made by the author himself (or a specialist hired by him), and then we do NOT make edits to the final layout sent by the author.
- Individual cover (with the Guild logo) – from 150 to 250 pounds. Creating a cover without a logo is possible only if the author does not use the discount of a Guild member.
- Dust jacket (removable hardcover paperback) – 200 pounds with an increase in RRP (retail value of the book) by 2 pounds.
- Writing a press release is 100-300 pounds (when writing a press release in several languages, each language version is paid separately).
- Publication of a press release in the media: in foreign partner media from 500 to 1,500 pounds, in national media from 100 to 500 pounds
- Collecting and including reviews from literary critics and experts in the book — from 150 to 1000 pounds per review.
- Promotion on social networks. The cost is discussed separately.
- Participation in the Literary Critic program on Amazon in order to increase the Amazon Sales Rank — 1000 pounds for a package of 5 reviews.
- Mailing to universities, educational institutions and libraries: in Europe — from 75 pounds; worldwide (ROW) — from 95 pounds; in the UK — from 30 pounds.
- Additional copies of books (marketing edition for the author) — the cost of 1 paperback book from 9.95 pounds, hardcover from 17.50 pounds (the cost may vary depending on the RRP).
- Publication of a book of up to 100 pages, format — 148 x 210 mm (up to 19,000 words), black-and-white internal block (if the book contains more than 19,000 words, you will need to pay for additional pages, and if there are photos and other illustrations that cannot be left in black and white – color printing)
- The cover is plain (without photos / illustrations), colored, uniform for the entire series, with the ECG logo (individual cover is paid additionally, including if the author provides the cover himself, since in any case it will be necessary to adapt it to the format of the printing house)
- Purchase and registration of the British ISBN, which makes the book available for purchase by bookstores around the world
- Prepress the book for printing
- Creating a matrix for unlimited circulation using Print on demand technology** (Print on demand), which will be available for printing any number of copies at any time
- 15 copyright copies, which are provided to the author (delivery is not included in the price and is paid separately)
- 20 mandatory copies for registering a book and sending it to the second largest book depository in the world – the British Library and the Legal Deposit copyright repository, which guarantees the preservation of copyrights
- 15 archived/marketing copies for promotional distribution (collecting feedback from experts and celebrities, transferring celebrities) and test sale
- Placement of the book through the distribution system of Ingram, Amazon, etc.
- Placing the book online in the Hertfordshire Press and Discovery Book Shop catalog
- Publication in hard copy and on the website of the British magazine OCA Magazine and on social networks (more than 50,000 subscribers)
- Copyright administration and royalty accounting (20% of each book sold)
- Delivery and placement of demo copies of the book at ECG and Hertfordshire Press events, as well as at partner events around the world
- Consulting and work of publishing house specialists
- Storage of books in a warehouse in the UK (30 days for the entire circulation and 90 days for marketing copies – up to 100 copies).
You can also find out about additional features in the “Additional Services” section above.
**Print on demand is a technology that allows you to print small editions (from 1 to 1000 copies) as needed, as well as automatically print the required number of books when buying them through Ingram or Amazon, which allows the author to avoid unnecessary storage of books in warehouses or at home, worry about how and how many books need to be delivered to customers, worry that the circulation may run out, and you will have to make a large and expensive order again (since when printing offset, you have to go through the entire technological cycle again).
- Information about the author is up to 100 words.
- Synopsis (promo text) for the back cover of the book (100-150 words)
- The author’s photo in high quality (300 dots per inch)
- The work is in MS Word format (2012 and above), designed for the publication of the book (without highlighting / corrections/ edits) with content, links, and, if necessary, with a preface, afterword and index (up to 21,000 words).
All documents must be sent by e-mail herts@ocamagazine.com
The production time of the book is from 3 to 9 months. All manuscripts are pre-approved by the editorial board. The book is printed in the author’s edition with the provision of a ready-made text according to the presented template.
It is possible to publish books both in the national language and works translated into English or other languages.
Create your eBook for Amazon Kindel
With Hertfordshire Press and Amazon Kindle, it’s easier than you think!
Kindle is the world’s largest eBook platform, holding 67% of the market.
Why Kindle?
487 million books sold – your book could be next!
83% of eBook purchases in the USA are made on Amazon.
3 million Kindle Unlimited subscribers – your book can become part of a service where 60% of bestsellers are already available.
Affordable pricing for readers – Kindle eBooks often sell for just £1-7 or on a pay-per-page basis, making them highly attractive to buyers.
We automatically place our published print books on Amazon and can create an exclusive Kindle eBook for you upon request.
What Do You Get?
Basic Package (£1,500)
✔ Professional formatting of a book (up to 30,000 words, no illustrations) in a Kindle-compatible format.
✔ Placement of the eBook on Amazon Kindle.
✔ A direct link to the eBook included in the publisher’s catalogue and other platforms.
If your book contains illustrations, the cost of adding each illustration to the Kindle version is £1 per image. Only black and white illustrations are accepted.
You can also order a custom cover design for £100.
Important Notes
🔹 Only English-language books can be published on the platform.
🔹 Translation and editorial services are not included in the package and are priced separately.
Your Advantages
Massive readership – Kindle reaches millions of readers worldwide.
Competitive pricing – professional formatting and publishing at affordable rates.
Exclusive distribution – Your book will be available in the UK, Europe, and the USA through Hertfordshire Press.
Author royalties paid – earn from every sale of your book.
Ready to Join the Kindle Community?
Fill out the submission form by the button below, and let us help you publish a book that will win the hearts of readers worldwide!
A chance to win one of our literary contests
Every year in November in London, the Hertfordshire Press selects the best of the books published by it in different categories - the Best novel, the Best love Story, the Best poetry book, the Best academic work, etc. The authors of the winning books receive a diploma and an award statuette.
The opportunity to present your book all over the world
In partnership with the Eurasian Creative Guild, each author can present his book at any of the festivals. This attracts the press and the audience more effectively than a personal format, since the audience who came to the festival will also attend a personal presentation.
It is an honor to stand in line with legendary authors
Our projects are initially focused on making authors a part of the world history of literature and art, putting them on the same shelf as William Shakespeare, Winston Churchill and other authors, because our books end up in the British Library and Legal Deposit. After all, how many of your friends have published abroad?
Receiving grants in our competitions
Every year we award grants for the publication of books and participation in our collections to the winners of competitions.
Starting in 2024, we are taking our contests to a new level – each participant will be published as part of our collections in London, regardless of whether they become the winner!
This is truly a legendary project, which has been allowing talented authors to publish their books in the UK with grants for 13 years.
In 2024, the competitive part of the project will be held in the following nominations:
- Prose, small prose
- Children’s prose (prose for children*)
- Non-fiction (non-fiction, biographies, etc.)
- Prose about Burabai (Kazakhstan)
- Satire
All the entries will be published for evaluation by the jury in the collection “Thread 8”.
*in this case, we are talking about books intended for a children’s audience, regardless of the age of the author. The works of authors aged 11 to 18 years old participate in the competition on a general basis.
The Voices of Friends: Poetry & Art competition is a unique project that allows poets from around the world to present their works to the Western reader in English! A team of professional translators and poet editors is working on translations, which makes it possible not only to translate poetic works, but also to make them understandable to an English-speaking audience from the point of view of language and culture.
All works will be published in the almanac “Voices of Friends: Poetry & Art – 2024” in English (mandatory) and the original language (optional).
Participation in print projects
You can participate in our traditional print projects on a non-competitive basis. Our projects have a long history and are highly appreciated by the audience of readers.
The collection “Thread” is one of the key printing projects of ECG. It is traditionally published in Russian and unites a community of Russian-speaking authors from the USA to Australia, allowing you to maintain a connection between generations, continents and cultures. And for authors writing in other languages, translation is available.
Terms of participation in the project>>>
The artistic and poetic almanac “Voices of Friends: Poetry & Art” was created in order to preserve the works of the poets of Eurasia in the treasury of world culture along with such prominent figures as William Shakespeare, Walter Scott, Lord Byron and others. Poems are published in English (required) and in the original language (optional). Previous editions of the almanac are in the world’s universities and libraries.
Terms of participation in the project>>>
We invite journalists and publicists to publish articles in OCA Magazine (Open Central Asia), the only magazine published in the UK in English and covering the events of the Eurasian region in the field of economics, politics, culture, and social life.
This magazine is read by ministers, ambassadors, consuls, representatives of international business, educational institutions, culture and art. The magazine’s audience is more than 50,000 people in different countries of the world. We accept for publication both PR articles on a commercial basis and expert articles for free after the decision of the editorial board.
Terms of participation in the project>>>
Personal presentations at international festivals
Every year we hold 6 international festivals, at each of which our authors and Guild members (and anyone who wants to confirm their international status) can make personal presentations. Unlike a separate presentation, a performance within the framework of a major festival will definitely not go unnoticed!
Personal presentations by the authors are possible at any of our festivals, regardless of the theme of the festival.
OEBF is the flagship ECG festival, which has been held in different countries for 13 years. Over the years, festival participants from more than 30 countries have visited Bishkek, Almaty, London, Brussels, Pattaya, Tashkent, Stockholm, Melbourne, Burgas, etc. Dates and venue of the 13th festival in 2024 will be announced additionally.
In 2021, we launched a project full of high aesthetics and emotional expressiveness – the Poetry and Visual Arts Festival. The idea of the festival was inspired by the desire of creative figures to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of beauty in order to get a sip of inspiration amid the severe events of the pandemic. This idea does not lose its relevance even now, when a lot of depressing things are happening in the world. You can also weave your voice in unison with the voices of your friends. The festival takes place annually in the most beautiful place – the national park and the resort of Burabai (northern Kazakhstan).
Eurasian Creative Week is a platform for cultural exchange and a way to give a new sound to the already classic format of the Peoples’ Friendship Festival. Every year, this event brings together writers, artists, musicians, actors, choreographers and other talented figures to demonstrate the diversity and depth of the culture of the Eurasian countries. For every master of the pen, this is a great chance to speak to readers in different countries of the world and communicate with their audience face to face.
ECG Film Festival (Eurasian Creative Guild Film Festival) is a platform for the development of cinematography in the Eurasian region. The aim of the festival is to promote Eurasian cinema in the English-speaking space and to introduce Eurasian representatives of the film industry to professionals from all over the world.
The festival is accredited by IMDb and takes place annually in Romford (London) in partnership with the Romford Film Festival.
The central idea of the festival is to immerse yourself in the topical issues of the development of the countries of Eurasia and the world in the format of a short meter. Short films make it possible to show a variety of points of view on social issues, convey the author’s vision of solving these problems and, possibly, become the basis for full-length films in the future. The festival includes both the actual film screening and master classes from acting directors, screenwriters and other film industry experts.
Creative residencies
Any creative person needs a “picture change” in order to get a boost of inspiration, and a little freedom from stuck life in order to concentrate on creating their masterpiece.
The Eurasian Creative Guild (London) opens the acceptance of applications for resident programs for the 1st half of 2024. We invite writers, artists, photographers, musicians and other creative professionals to embark on an unforgettable journey and allow themselves to be creative 24/7.Currently, residences are available in the stunning Burabai National Park (Borovoye resort area) in Kazakhstan, in the cozy town of Rugby, an hour’s drive from London, as well as in the tropical paradise of Pattaya in Thailand.
You will be able to make new acquaintances or be alone with yourself, get enough of fresh impressions and get a boost of inspiration to create your work and present it to the creative community and a wide audience.
If you have any questions about participation, please contact the Executive Director of ECG (London) The mystery of Kaunis:
>>> Telegram (@taina_kaunis)
International tours
Our authors* have the opportunity to travel around the world with our team to present themselves and their work as an international star! If you have always imagined how wittily you answer questions from the audience or are moved to thank fans of your work and sign autographs, then this option is for you.
The tour is a set of events (meetings, presentations, autograph sessions, etc.) that are held in the cities where the members of the Guild executive committee go.
*Authors who have published books in Hertfordshire Press. Guild members who have not published books at HP can also go on tour, but under special conditions.
- An author who is an active member of the Guild at the time of the tour can go on tour;
- we provide information support to the authors of Hertfordshire Press (posts, invitations, etc.). If the author on tour intends to present books published by him in other (non-partner) publishers, then, as a member of the Guild, he has the right to post an invitation to the event in our social networks (no more than once a month), the text and the picture is provided by the author;
- The author covers accommodation, meals and flight/travel independently;
- The author gets 20 minutes to present the book at the Guild meeting for free;
- the author can request up to 3 personal presentations as part of a general tour (duration up to 1 hour, possibly on a separate site) at a cost of 595 pounds (446 British pounds with a 25% discount for Guild members);
- if the book is sold at meetings or presentations, the author deducts 15% as an administrative fee (if it is not a Hertfordshire Press book, then 30%);
- The author can invite his audience to Guild meetings on his own, all meetings are open (the author cannot sell tickets);
- the author adjusts to the schedule of tours and Guild events.
For cooperation, please contact the Executive Director of ECG (London) The mystery of Kaunis:
>>> Telegram (@taina_kaunis)
Presentations at universities
For our partners and corporate members in the field of education, we are ready to consider the possibility of organizing presentations and business meetings at partner universities on an individual request. If it is important for you to build academic connections, we can become your assistants in this process.
- assistance in the organization is provided only to current ECG members;
- we provide information support (posts, invitations, etc.). As a member of the Guild, the speaker also has the right to post an invitation to the event on our social networks (no more than once a month), the text and picture are provided by the speaker;
- The speaker covers accommodation, meals and flight/travel independently;
- the amount of the administrative fee is calculated for each speaker separately, depending on the complexity of the project;
- in case of book sales at presentations, the speaker deducts 15% as an administrative fee (if it is not a Hertfordshire Press book, then 30%);
- The speaker can invite his audience to presentations on his own, but cannot sell tickets;
- The speaker adjusts to the schedule of Guild events.
For cooperation, please contact the Executive Director of ECG (London) The mystery of Kaunis:
>>> Telegram (@taina_kaunis)

Artists, Sculptors, Photographers, Designers, Filmmakers
Today’s world is visual, and it is the creators of visual content who often become influencers and are able to quickly find contact with the audience.
We create opportunities for all visual artists to showcase their work in different countries as part of our events – exhibitions, film screenings and fashion shows at a variety of venues (from embassies and five-star hotels to shopping malls) always attract the attention of viewers and potential buyers.
What can you get?
Receiving grants in our competitions
Every year we award grants for the publication of books and participation in our collections to the winners of competitions.
Starting in 2024, we are taking our contests to a new level – each participant will be published as part of our collections in London, regardless of whether they become the winner!
The Voices of Friends: Poetry & Art competition is a unique project aimed at inscribing the works presented at it into the world history of art.
All works will be published in the almanac “Voices of Friends: Poetry & Art – 2025” or the art catalog “The Great Steppe Treasury – 2024” in English (a prerequisite).
This is truly a legendary project, which has been allowing talented authors to publish their books in the UK with grants for 13 years.
In 2024, the competitive part of the project will be held in the following nominations:
- Prose, small prose
- Children’s prose (prose for children*)
- Non-fiction (non-fiction, biographies, etc.)
- Prose about Burabai (Kazakhstan)
- Satire
All the entries will be published for evaluation by the jury in the collection “Thread 8”.
*in this case, we are talking about books intended for a children’s audience, regardless of the age of the author. The works of authors aged 11 to 18 years old participate in the competition on a general basis.
Personal presentations and participation in exhibitions at international festivals
Every year we hold 6 international festivals, at each of which Guild members (and anyone who wants to confirm their international status) can make personal presentations, as well as take part in exhibitions. Unlike a separate presentation, a performance within the framework of a major festival will definitely not go unnoticed!
Personal presentations and exhibitions are possible at any of our festivals, regardless of the theme of the festival.
OEBF is the flagship ECG festival, which has been held in different countries for 13 years. Over the years, festival participants from more than 30 countries have visited Bishkek, Almaty, London, Brussels, Pattaya, Tashkent, Stockholm, Melbourne, Burgas, etc. Dates and venue of the 13th festival in 2024 will be announced additionally.
In 2021, we launched a project full of high aesthetics and emotional expressiveness – the Poetry and Visual Arts Festival. The idea of the festival was inspired by the desire of creative figures to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of beauty in order to get a sip of inspiration amid the severe events of the pandemic. This idea does not lose its relevance even now, when a lot of depressing things are happening in the world. You can also weave your voice in unison with the voices of your friends. The festival takes place annually in the most beautiful place – the national park and the resort of Burabai (northern Kazakhstan).
Eurasian Creative Week is a platform for cultural exchange and a way to give a new sound to the already classic format of the Peoples’ Friendship Festival. Every year, this event brings together writers, artists, musicians, actors, choreographers and other talented figures to demonstrate the diversity and depth of the culture of the Eurasian countries. For every master of the pen, this is a great chance to speak to readers in different countries of the world and communicate with their audience face to face.
ECG Film Festival (Eurasian Creative Guild Film Festival) is a platform for the development of cinematography in the Eurasian region. The aim of the festival is to promote Eurasian cinema in the English-speaking space and to introduce Eurasian representatives of the film industry to professionals from all over the world.
The festival is accredited by IMDb and takes place annually in Romford (London) in partnership with the Romford Film Festival.
The central idea of the festival is to immerse yourself in the topical issues of the development of the countries of Eurasia and the world in the format of a short meter. Short films make it possible to show a variety of points of view on social issues, convey the author’s vision of solving these problems and, possibly, become the basis for full-length films in the future. The festival includes both the actual film screening and master classes from acting directors, screenwriters and other film industry experts.
Participation in print projects
You can participate in our traditional print projects on a non-competitive basis. Our projects have a long history and are highly appreciated by the audience of readers.
The visual poetry Almanac “Voices of Friends: Poetry and Art” – the world’s only collection of Eurasian poetry in English and national languages and artifacts of visual arts — was initiated by the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) in 2020. This is a truly international collection, which contains poems and paintings by figures of various nationalities and eras. All poems and descriptions of paintings have been translated into English to reach and engage as many readers as possible. This almanac aroused great response among connoisseurs of poetry and fine arts and high interest among the academic community of researchers and universities, who for the first time gained access to a unique ontology of Eurasian poetry and fine art from different eras (including the works of contemporaries).
The artistic and poetic almanac “Voices of Friends: Poetry & Art” was created in order to preserve the works of the poets of Eurasia in the treasury of world culture along with such prominent figures as William Shakespeare, Walter Scott, Lord Byron and others. Poems are published in English (required) and in the original language (optional). Previous editions of the almanac are in the world’s universities and libraries.
We invite journalists and publicists to publish articles in OCA Magazine (Open Central Asia), the only magazine published in the UK in English and covering the events of the Eurasian region in the field of economics, politics, culture, and social life.
This magazine is read by ministers, ambassadors, consuls, representatives of international business, educational institutions, culture and art. The magazine’s audience is more than 50,000 people in different countries of the world. We accept for publication both PR articles on a commercial basis and expert articles for free after the decision of the editorial board.
Terms of participation in the project>>>
Creative residencies
Any creative person needs a “picture change” in order to get a boost of inspiration, and a little freedom from stuck life in order to concentrate on creating their masterpiece.
The Eurasian Creative Guild (London) opens the acceptance of applications for resident programs for the 1st half of 2024. We invite writers, artists, photographers, musicians and other creative professionals to embark on an unforgettable journey and allow themselves to be creative 24/7.Currently, residences are available in the stunning Burabai National Park (Borovoye resort area) in Kazakhstan, in the cozy town of Rugby, an hour’s drive from London, as well as in the tropical paradise of Pattaya in Thailand.
You will be able to make new acquaintances or be alone with yourself, get enough of fresh impressions and get a boost of inspiration to create your work and present it to the creative community and a wide audience.
If you have any questions about participation, please contact the Executive Director of ECG (London) The mystery of Kaunis:
>>> Telegram (@taina_kaunis)
Since ECG is an organization that develops at the request of our members, we do not come up with separate projects for individual areas of creativity specifically. But perhaps you are the one who initiates a new in-demand project within the Guild!
For example, there is no separate festival for musicians and choreographers/performers yet, but we are creating opportunities to perform as part of concerts at our events.
For cooperation, please contact the Executive Director of ECG (London) The mystery of Kaunis: t-kaunis@ocamagazine.com
Partners and Authorities
For more than 20 years of work in the creative industries and tourism, we have gained unique personal experience, as well as familiarized ourselves with the most successful experiences of our colleagues in different countries of the world.
Today, we help our partners – event organizers, patrons, embassies, publishing houses, hotels, universities, local governments and many others – to create a positive international image, make the brand attractive and recognizable, attract world-renowned experts to cooperate, etc.
As a public organization in the UK, we create opportunities to preserve the memory of our members or iconic figures of culture and art through the establishment of personalized awards, grants and scholarships, through which creative people get the opportunity to present their work to the world.
Each award is a grant that the winner of the competition in one category or another can send for the publication of a book in London (with the mandatory publication of the name and photo of the person in whose honor the award was established on the cover) or for participation in international exhibitions and festivals ECG (London) (also with the placement of information about the person in in whose honor the award was established). Information about each award is posted on the website of the competition, which is visited annually by more than a million users, on our social networks, among whose subscribers are outstanding creative and public figures, as well as representatives of government authorities, ambassadors, etc. Our books get into world libraries (including the British Library without fail), and publications Our events and awards are published annually by the media of various countries, preserving the memory not only of the participants and winners of the competition, but also of outstanding figures, thanks to whom talented creative people of the Eurasian region receive international recognition.
The general sponsor of the nomination
This format assumes the establishment of a prize for three prizes in the already existing categories of our competitions (minimum 1st place – 10,000 USD, 2nd place – 6,000 USD, 3rd place – 3,000 USD). This format assumes the maximum marketing effect, since the winners in the same nomination are usually from different countries, respectively, the international PR effect (mentions in the media and social networks) will be higher.
Sponsor of the nomination
Unlike the General Sponsor, the grantee establishes a prize in the amount of USD 3,000 to USD 15,000 only for the first place in the already existing categories of our competitions.
Thematic Award
Such an award is awarded for works of a certain subject (the best work dedicated to the theme of mountains, for example, or the best love story, etc.), in this case, the grantee establishes an award in the amount of 3,000 USD to up to 15,000 USD, and it is additional (does not apply to existing categories of competitions). The number of possible winners within the framework of the award is set by the grantee himself (up to 5 people).
We invite you to become an official partner of our festival events.
Official Partner status
We will post information about your organization on the resources of our festivals, which are viewed by more than a million people every year. We will also place your logo on the merchandising products of the festival. You can also create prizes and commemorative prizes.
Following the results of the events, we post press releases in international and national media, and you will receive a mention as an Official Partner and General Sponsor in each of them. A review article will also be published in the British magazine OCA Magazine.
Provision of rooms for official guests
Every year, famous cultural and art figures such as Elchin Safarli, Janusz Wisniewski, John Farndon and others join our festivals, as well as finalists and winners of our competitions from around the world, and partners of our festivals provide rooms for them free of charge. In return, we provide our speakers to host events at our partners’ venues for their guests. The more rooms you can provide, the wider the creative community will be, and the greater the PR effect they will create for you on their social networks.
Organization of official events with a buffet
Each of our festivals involves holding several official events, such as the opening ceremony, the award ceremony, the closing ceremony, as well as celebrating festive dates, personal presentations and so on. As a rule, such events are held in the format of closed receptions with light snacks, salads and soft and non-alcoholic drinks at the sites of our partners. We will be glad if you can organize one or two such events within the framework of the festival.
Holding events at your venues
Each of our festivals includes unique events – workshops, readings, autograph sessions, panel discussions, film screenings, etc., both in an open and closed format (only for official participants of the festival and guests from official partners). We will be happy to hold such events at your venues, which will create additional entertainment for your guests.
Today, tourism and migration have become a part of modern human life. And, since according to the laws of economics, where people are, there are finances and other resources, the ability of a city, region, and even an entire country to attract and retain tourists, investors, businesses, a working population, etc. comes to the fore.
Territory marketing has been allowing cities in all corners of the world to solve this problem and successfully increase their capital for many years. Cities for education, cities for recreation and tourism, cities for family life – they all need their own brand. And creative industries can provide a wide range of tools to attract people and funds without the need for large investments.
We are ready to consider the possibility of an information partnership. A prerequisite for partnership is the current membership of the company or its head in the Guild. As part of the information partnership, we can provide:
- Instagram Facebook and ECG pages post information (provided by you) once every two weeks;
- providing our logo for placement on promotional products;
- for charity projects, it is possible to post a note on the official website of the Guild.
If you are interested in promoting and advertising your business in Europe and Central Asia, OCA Magazine offers you a unique opportunity to advertise yourself throughout the Eurasian continent! Our main mission is to promote and review the countries of Central Asia in England and Europe. Thus, we aim to create a tourist flow to Uzbekistan and neighboring countries by promoting the culture and tourism potential of the Central Asian republics. Due to the extensive coverage of the target audience in the Eurasian market and the wide information format of our magazine, the prospect for advertising is unique.
The printed version of the magazine is distributed worldwide among 1,000 companies and more than 2,000 of its own subscribers, as well as in the UK Parliament. The total readership is 50,000 people (including online subscribers). The magazine is also distributed to universities, embassies, airlines and other organizations associated with the Central Asian region in Russia, in the countries of the Eurasian region, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
If you have any questions about cooperation, please contact us by t-kaunis@ocamagazine.com or contact us using the button below (a WhatsApp chat will open).

Основным форматом сотрудничества является Меморандум о партнерстве*. Это рамочный документ, который наполняется сторонами в зависимости от проекта. Заключения Меморандума требуют крупные проекты, вроде учреждения премий и т.д. В отдельных случаях такой Меморандум может быть заменен официальным письмом.
*Этот шаблон является примерным и может быть изменен любым образом.
Если речь идет об информационном партнерстве, то заключения дополнительного меморандума, как правило, не требуется, так как членство в Гильдии для этой формы сотрудничества обязательно, а информационная поддержка наших членов регулируется Уставом Гильдии, мы только рассматриваем учащение предоставления наших площадок для информации от партнера.
Если заключение Меморандума по каким-то причинам невозможно, или же требуется заключение Договора на оказание услуг, такой вариант обсуждается дополнительно.
Мы можем рассмотреть дополнительные проектные услуги:
- организация мероприятий для партнеров;
- проведение PR и рекламных кампаний для партнеров;
- медиация – установление связей с компаниями в Великобритании и других странах для развития партнерских отношений.
- To order the placement of advertising, you should contact guild@ocamagazine.com. All agreements are only confirmed by an official email from this email address, letters from other email addresses, messages in social networks and messengers are not a confirmation of advertising placement. Submissions are only accepted to this email address and cannot be sent to other addresses or via messengers and social media.
- ECG (London) members receive a 25% discount on the current rates below.
- Corporate members and partners have special terms and conditions.
- Only ready-to-print advertising modules (visuals) and texts will be accepted for placement. Materials that need to be edited or created will be charged at the rate for additional services.
- The requirements for the preparation of visuals and the volume of texts depend on the chosen placement format and are sent separately in response to the application by e-mail to guild@ocamagazine.com.
- All advertising messages and visuals are provided either in Russian and English or in English only, depending on the placement.
- All advertising material must comply with UK legislation. Political or religious advertisements, propaganda materials of any kind are not permitted, and advertisements must not contain elements of violence and pornography, nor must they promote related products, services or resources.
- Business card (55x95mm) – 200 GBP
- 1/3 page – 750 GBP
- Half page – 1.300 GBP
- Full page – 2,530 GBP
- Spreadsheet – 4,950 GBP
- Business card (55x95mm) – 50 GBP
- 1/3 page – 150 GBP
- Half page – 250 GBP
- Full page – 450 GBP
- Spreadsheet – 750 GBP
- Half page – 950 GBP
- Full page – 1,500 GBP
- Spreadsheet – 2,950 GBP
- Half page – 250 GBP
- Full page – 450 GBP
- Spreadsheet – 750 GBP
- Half page – 350 GBP
- Full page – 650 GBP
- Spreadsheet – 950 GBP
- Module design – 100 GBP
- Copywriting – 100 GBP
- Translation (per 100 words) – 10 GBP
(Cost is for each individual page, ads are not automatically duplicated)
- Stories, 1 day – 15 GBP
- Unpinned post (text+image, images without text will not be accepted)
- 1 day – 5 GBP
- 15 days – 50 GBP
- 30 days – 75 GBP
- Perpetual post – 100 GBP
- Video with description, no more than 60 seconds long, unpinned (video without description will not be accepted)
- 1 day – 10 GBP
- 15 days – 100 GBP
- 30 days – 150 GBP
- Perpetual post – 200 GBP
- Header (Facebook only) / Pinned post
- 1 day – 50 GBP
- 15 days – 500 GBP
- 30 days – 750 GBP
- Post in news format (text+image, images without text or text without images will not be accepted)
- 15 days – 50 GBP
- 30 days – 75 GBP
- A video of no more than 60 seconds with a description, in news format (text only accepted, videos are accepted in YouTube link format, uploading to our channel is equivalent to advertising on our YouTube channel).
- 15 days – 100 GBP
- 30 days – 150 GBP
- Banner in the main page ad block / placement on the promotions page
- 15 days – 500 GBP
- 30 days – 750 GBP
A video with a description of no more than 60 seconds (only videos with a description are accepted, videos are accepted in MPEG, AVI, MOV format).
- 30 days – 75 GBP
- Perpetual video – 300 GBP
- Visual design – 50 GBP
- Copywriting (up to 1,100 characters) – 100 GBP
- Translation – 170 GBP
- Creation of video up to 60 seconds – 1,000 GBP
- Creation of animated video up to 60 seconds – 1,500 GBP
For advertising enquiries please contact guild@ocamagazine.com
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.