Executive Committee ECG

The Executive Committee is a team of administrators and volunteers who organise competitions and festivals for you, help you publish and present your books and do everything they can to make your membership of the Guild as rewarding as possible.

Марта Брассарт / Marta Brassart


Poet, artist and co-founder of the Centre for Polish Culture ‘Poezja London’, UK. Studied Polish in Bialystok, Poland, and anthropology in Amiens, France. Organiser of poetry festivals, book publishing and poetry reading and writing classes with young people. Member of the Slavic Academy of Literature and Art. Laureate of the UNESCO World Poetry Day, 2014. Social activist.

Марат Ахмеджанов / Marat (Mark) Akhmedjanov

Вице-председатель/Vice Chairman

Founder and Chairman of Silk Road Media (UK), Hertfordshire Press (UK), OCA Magazine and Eurasian Creative Guild

Анна Лари / Anna Lari

Со-основатель ECG / ECG co-founder

Supervising questions:

  • ECG membership (registration, renewal, certificates)
  • participation in competitions and festivals (applications, placement of works, information support, registration)
  • visa invitations
  • ECG meetings
Тайна Каунис / Taina Kaunis

исполнительный директор / executive director

Supervising questions:

  • book publishing and work with authors (counselling, coordination, estimates and contracts)

  • ECG printing projects (collections and anthologies: reception and processing of submissions, counselling, distribution)

  • OCA Magazine (collection of contributions, counselling, coordination, distribution)

  • Expert Councils (coordination of work)

  • Residency programmes (acceptance of applications, consultation, coordination)

Виктория Малюшицкая / Victoria Maliushitskaya

Администратор конкурсов / contests administrator

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Guardian Council

The supreme advisory body of the ECG (London), whose primary role is to represent the interests of the Guild and its members internationally. The Guardians embody the core values of the ECG and the best qualities of creative people and are role models. Guardians have the right to represent the ECG as speakers at international forums and conferences, as judges at international competitions, to speak to Guild members, artists and students, and to chair events on behalf of the Executive Committee of the Guild.

Александр Казарновский / Alexander Kazarnovsky
Дариен Шауль Ройтман / Darien Shaul Roytman
Нурлан Мунбаев / Nurlan Munbaev
Салтанат Хамзеева / Saltanat Khamzeyeva
Светлана Александровна Юдина / Svetlana Alexandrovna Yudina
Динара Кушбаева / Dinara Kushbaeva
Евгений Колганов / Evgeny Kolganov
Полина Лахтина / Polina Lakhtina
Виктор Слипенчук / Victor Slipenchuk
Гульчехра-бегим Махмудова / Gulchekhra-begim Makhmudova
Александра Рей / Alexandra Rey
Афзал Амин / Afzal Amin
Александр Сивак / Oleksandr Syvak

Advisory Board

The advisory body of the ECG (London), elected by annual ballot. The Advisory Board is set up to maintain a balance between the interests of Guild members from different countries, so that no country is favoured over another. It also deals with complaints and enquiries from Guild members and assists the Guild Executive Committee in resolving disputes. You can submit an appeal by emailing guild@ocamagazine.com with the subject line ‘Appeal to the Advisory Board’.

Лусине Алексанян / Lusine Aleksanyan
Михаил Куницкий / Mikhail Kunitsky
Нина Ягольницер / Nina Yagolnitser
Салтанат Хамзеева / Saltanat Khamzeyeva
Азим Акматов / Azim Akmatov
Сария Маммадова / Sariya Mammadova
Марина Шкробова-Верналис / Marina Shkrobova-Vernalis
Гульсифат Шахиди / Gulsifat Shakhidi
Наталья Липатова / Natallia Lipatova
Лариcа Продан / Larissa Prodan
Анна Харрингтон-Морозова / Anna Harrington-Morozova
Брюс Гастон / Bruce Gaston
Натали Бейс / Natalie Bays
Эл Артаман / Al Artaman


The Guild is open to all creative people and all areas of the arts. On the initiative of ECG members, Expert Councils have been set up to bring together masters of their craft in various fields to help younger creative colleagues develop their talents and to advise the Guild’s Executive Committee on matters of expert assessment of creative products.

Expert Council on Poetry

Михаил Ананов / Michael Ananov
Андрей Гродзинский / Andrey Grodzinskiy
Ирина Сапир / Irina Sapir

Expert Council on Literature

Елена Асланян / Yelena Aslanyan
Нурлан Токсанов / Nurlan Toxanov
Валерия Стрекаловская ( Очеретная) / Valeria Strekalovskaya ( Ocheretna)

Expert Council on Business Coaching

Елена Безрукова / Elena Bezrukova
Геннадий Горовой / Gennady Gorovoy
Надежда Артемьева / Nadejda Artemevea

Expert Council for Fine Arts

Сарвиноз Ходиева / Sarvinoz Khodieva
Анастасия Калиновская / Anastasia Kalinovskaya
Лидия Дроздова / Lidiya Drozdova
Мария Жумагулова / Maria Zhumagulova

Expert Council on Translation

Бахтыгуль Маханбетова / Bakhtygul Makhanbetova
Полина Лахтина / Polina Lakhtina

Expert Council on Cinematography

Арман Алимжанов / Arman Alimzhanov
Шавкат Каландаров / Shavkat Kalandarov
Сохеил Лоун / Sohail Loun

Expert Council on Journalism

Раза Сйед / Raza Syed
Гарет Стамп / Gareth Stamp
Любовь Мослей / Lyubov Mosley

Academic Council

Нурлан Мунбаев / Nurlan Munbaev
Михаил Матвеев / Michael Matveev
Марина Подлесная / Marina Podlesnaia

Junior Council

Паулина Гейбл-Кравц / Paulina Geibl-Kravts
Людмила Дубковецкая / Ludmila Dubcovetcaia
Михаил Куницкий / Mikhail Kunitsky

Independent Expert Council

Джон Фарндон /John Farndon
Адам Семенчик / Adam Siemienczyk
Януш Леон Вишневский / Janusz Leon Wisniewski

Official Guild Representatives

Honoured Ambassadors

Our Ambassadors are our representatives in the regions where we operate. They can represent ECG by being speakers and participants in various events in their city or region, as well as acting as representatives of the Guild when supporting partner projects, independently organising Guild meetings with creative people and even holding events on behalf of the Guild in agreement with the Executive Committee

Ганна Коробко (Гариб) / Ganna Korobko (Garib)

Оксана Жукова / Oksana Zhukova

Таня Иванова Илиева-Солер / Tanya Ivanova Ilieva-Soler

Олеся Зайцева / Olesya Zaytseva

Марьям Нашхоева / Maryam Nashkhoeva

Марина Шкробова-Верналис / Marina Shkrobova-Vernalis

Елена Соболева / Elena Soboleva

Светлана Бедункевич / Svetlana Bedunkevich

Геннадий Горовой / Gennady Gorovoy

Куралай Авутова / Kuralai Avutova

Гальфридус (Джефф) Харрисон / Galfridus ( Geoff ) Harrison

Responsible Consuls

The responsible Consuls represent the Guild Executive Committee, helping us to work with our members. Consuls can assist with the technical and organisational aspects of joining the Guild and renewing membership, as well as helping newcomers to choose Guild projects where they can maximise their talents

Наташа Харт MBE / Natasha Hart MBE

Алексей Преснаков / Alexei Presnakov

Людмила Дубковецкая / Ludmila Dubcovetcaia

Юсуф Крыкбессов / Yssuf Krykbessov

Елена Асланян / Yelena Aslanyan

Елена Безрукова / Elena Bezrukova

Сария Мамедова / Sariya Mammadova




Akmal Nur
Aleksey Ulko
Alexander Kazarnovsky
Bakhtygul Makhanbetova
Boris Babaev
Elena Soboleva
Farhad Tashtemirov
Gennady Gorovoy
Georgy Pryakhin
Gulnara Rashidova
Gulsifat Shakhidi
Lola Saifi
Marina Alyassova
Oksana Zhukova
Raushan Burkitbaeva-Nukenova
Shavkat Ismailov
Sirozhiddin Rauf

About the medal>>>